just wanna share

HALLO !!! (gatau lagi nih mau pake apaan kata kata pembukanya. udeh deh HALLO aje hwhwhw)

gue cuma pengen share link aja. gue tau ini dr twitter temen sih (baca: irma) hehehe. cuma kan katanya disitu kalo nyebarin INSYALLAH (menurut bhs gue.disitunya mah BAKAL )

linknya = klik disini kawan

nah result gue kaya gini nih =

1-st question. Priorities in your life:


2-nd question:

fierce implies your own personality.
sweet implies personality of your partner.
disgusting implies the personality of your enemies
bitter- It is how you interpret sex.
beautiful implies your own life.

3-rd question:

kirana - Someone you will never forget.
nadya - Someone you consider your true friend.
maya - Someone that you really love.
uwi - Your twin soul.
karlina - Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life.
You have to send this test to as many persons as your favorite number (11) and your wish will come true on the day that you recorded (friday).

weh weh gue masukin nama si KIRANA dlm jawaban gue.udah gitu hasilnya ORANG YG GAK AKAN DILUPAKAN LG HUAKAKAK

caranya gampang kok tinggal buka ini terus lo jawab. terus lo sebarin deh kalo bisa mihihi ;pp.

yaudeh deh yaaaa, gut bubuy  MSN smileys


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